Psycho Haptics in Cancer Treatment
Papers and Self Help Recipes
C. Mason, CMT, Ph.D.

Publications documenting outcomes of cancer research associated with these methods in
psycho haptics are listed here.   Psycho haptics support and invigorate the body's innate healing capacities ( mentally, emotionally, and physically) contributing to patient quality of life and therapeutic goals.


Multiple Myeloma

Psycho haptic methods provide a profound benefit using simple touch to give relief to a variety of difficulties that arise in cancer treatment including insomnia, nausea, fatigue, pain (chronic and acute), anxiety, stress symptoms, swelling and negative
side effects of medication (including chemo, radiation, anti-depressants, etc.)  The methods
are also helpful for prevention by relieving stress.

Haptic medicine takes a new look at some old ideas about using hands on healing to
address many ailments of mind and body.   In 2007, Canadian research scientists discovered
that loving motherly touch has a profound effect on our health, including an effect on gene
expression, neuroendocrine function and  brain cells in the hippocamal region.   The scientists
received the Royal Order of Quebec for these discoveries and the Canadian government is
making changes at the national level to incorporate these ideas in public education and in
Canadian healthcare.   We have taken one step further by creating a website and DVDs that
teaches haptic medicine self help, free.  It is available to anyone, regardless of insurance,
age, location, education, race, culture, or income.  The material for the website and DVDS is based on classes taught in the Berkeley and Stanford communities and with patients at Stanford
 Hospital and other places.