English  Francais Bahasa Indonesiathai

Useful Downloads for Disaster Recovery Relief  (UDDR Relief)
Self Help Instruction for Caregivers and Survivors
Telechargement Uteles en cas de Desastre
Conselis et Instruction Auto Prescrites pour Secouristes et Survivants

Menolong Diri Sendiri  
self-help disaster

Body Tune Up

 html  doc   pdf
Recharger Votre Energie
Matin et Soir  

html  doc
Menjaga/Menolong Diri Sendiri
doc  pdf
morning evening  pdf   gif  
General Directions
html    txt    eps    pdf
Instruction general
html doc  txt
Menolong Diri Sendiri
 html    txt   eps   pdf
instructions html eps   pdf  doc  
jpeg1 jpeg2

Blood Pressure La Presion Sanguine
 Tekanan Darah
blood-pressure html  pdf   gif
french html  gif  jpeg
Breath  Respirer
Pernapasan, Asma
html   pdf   gif
french html   gif    jpeg
Chaos  Chaos
 doc (english)  pdf    gif
french  html  doc
Choke, Clear the Throat Etouffer

choke   html   pdf   gif
 french html  gif    jpeg
Coma Coma
Pingsan Koma

coma   html  pdf   gif
 french html gif jpeg
Dental - Jaw, Teeth, Gums, Mouth   Dents - Machoire, Gencives, Bouche
dental self care   html    gif   jpeg
 french html gif   jpeg
Diarrea   Diarre
diarrea   html   pdf   gif
 french html gif jpeg
Exhaustion, Body out of Gas
Fatigue Terrible, et Prevention des Fatigue, épuisement
Kekurangan Tenaga, Kelelahan,
exhaustion html   pdf   gif
french html   gif   jpeg
Grief and Loss   Chagrin Terrible
Kesedihan, Kehilangan, pada Kulit
loss html   pdf   gif
french html gif  jpeg
Heart- Physical and Emotional Cardiaque- Corporel et Emotionel Jantung, Hati, Sakit Hati, Ketidakstabilan detak jantung
 html   pdf   gif
 french html   gif    jpeg
Mental Stress and Psych Help
Tekanan Mental  Stress Mental
html   pdf   gif
french html   gif    jpeg
Toxin, Skin Surface  Surface de la Peau, Toxic 
Bisa, Racun, Lukabakar  
toxin   skin
html   pdf   gif
 french html   gif    jpeg

*French  translation is finished, Arabic and Farsi are underway.  MSF (Doctors Without Borders) has explicit permission to copy and duplicate as needed, as does anyone who may be in the midst of surviving or recovering.  We would like to thank the following individuals who helped make this web page happen: P.Gueret, D. Rombaut,, Henry Lieberman, Dr. Earl and Penny Mason, Irene Player, Peet S. Kafe, A. Alvin Barlian, S. and K. Nuchitsiripattara, Albert Santoso, Justin Greene, Pauline Grutlag, Pam Krone, and Master Zisheng Wang. Most grateful thanks to Mary Burmeister and Jiro Murai for sharing these teachings with the world. We are still looking for translaters for Sri Lankan and other languages.  If you are a physician, caregiver, or other helper and would like download but have trouble, please contact us and we'll be happy to get a copy to you someway. All of these methods can be done over clothes and require no special equipment.